No more candy

Received a company-wide e-mail relaying the fact that the candy vending machine will be pulled and not replaced because the candy is not selling well enough and is expiring.

I was tempted to write a response to the company's head accountant with my retort. Then I considered replying to everyone who received the announcement.

Instead, I shall place my objections on the Internet. Woe to the candy machine vendor!

I no longer buy candy because:

  • the C button does not work - therefore, no Cheetos
  • the dollar bill input accepts bills but sometimes give no change, and thereafter...
  • the dollar bill input does not accept input
  • candy has to be chosen carefully for its "fallingability" - the likelihood that it will drop of its own accord rather than getting shaken out by the purchaser or the CEO
  • I can get twice as much for my money at Fred Meyer

BTW, I call BS on the "expiring candy" line. Candy has a long shelf-life. If it does not sell, replace it with something else. That there have been multiple empty slots makes it obvious that some items sold better than others - so why aren't those items stocked up with more of the same, and the others removed or changed? Hmmm?

We are not buying enough because you are not providing well enough. Learn how to stock a machine and read the simple telltales before giving us a cockamamie reason for not making enough money.

Good riddance, candy man.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Mon 01 May 2006. Tags: complaint