Easter ridicule rebuttal

Just in Time for Easter: Gnosticism, Missing Links, and Other Lies by Steven Greenhut, regarding "the so-called Gospel of Judas" and a dig about the 380-million-year-old missing link:

If Christianity were so irrational and stupid, why do the enlightened followers of modern philosophies spend so much time trying to debunk it? Why don’t they just ignore it? They don’t mind that their fellow Americans believe all sorts of rubbish, yet this particular view, rubbish to them, still incites them to rebuttal and ridicule. They can’t stand that so many of us are believers.

And later:

Does finding one of those rejected texts really paint a picture of a church that is trying to hide the truth? Or is it merely evidence of – shock and horror! – an editing process, something to which all reporters ought to know a thing or two about? Not every letter to the editor gets in the newspaper, and not everyone’s account got included in the Scripture. The church fathers chose those books that portrayed Christ’s message. Yet, all the time, idiot reporters discover that obvious fact and think it’s enough to prove that all of Christianity is a giant conspiracy or hoax.

Good read.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Fri 14 April 2006. Tags: commentary