Downloaded audcasts for 2005-10-28, A through D
Not exactly sure how I'm going to keep these straight; maybe title/permalink/filename? Let's try.
Adding Speech to Apps with SymbicTalker by Symbic
SymbicTalker is a text-to-speech (speech synthesis) engine that allows Palm OS applications (programs) speak. More info at
Recorded 08-04-2005 [52:54]
Brian Capouch: Asterisk - Open-Source VoIP PBX
Asterisk is the open source Voice-over-IP solution that everyone's talking about, and at OSCON Scott Mace talked to Brian Capouch, the author of the forthcoming Addison-Wesley book about Asterisk. Capouch discusses why Asterisk is spreading like wildfire, has hooks for video and presence extensions and why Skype is "evil incarnate." [Opening Move with Scott Mace from IT Conversations]
Business Cycles and Prediction
Recorded 08-06-2005 [1:01:20]
Buzz Bruggeman: Networks and Sales
A four star review in USA Today, read by more than 2.3 million people got ActiveWords all of 32 downloads, but, a blog post by popular blogger Robert Scoble resulted in more than ten times that number. Buzz Bruggeman, the founder and EVP of ActiveWords Inc. speaks about his experiences in marketing and selling his company's software and the networking tools he uses. He discusses how a huge advertising budget may no longer be the only way to reach people. [MeshForum audio from IT Conversations]
NOTE: already got it
Chris Anderson: Economics of the Long Tail
The Long Tail is a phrase coined by Chris Anderson, the Editor-in-Chief of Wired magazine, for the statistical distribution of sales observed by online businesses. In this talk he explores the economics of the long tail and shares his insight on the effects it might have on future business models. He discusses how distribution networks like Amazon, iTunes and Netflix have shown that the right side of the curve which forms millions of niches can be as big a market as the chart toppers. [ETech 2005 audio from IT Conversations]