The pictures are done.

My latest project is essentially done (read: there will always be more work, but the major part is complete).

My family's digital pictures are all synchronized and organized.

No small task: as of the synchronization last night (actually, the wee hours of this morning), the parent directory for all the "live" pictures (ignoring the archived sets) was 46.7GB, across 8,894 files.

That does include a significant amount of duplicates, as I needed to synchronize two incomplete sets (on my and my wife's computers) and sort them properly in both places, which meant that some pictures were copied to different directories. Enter FSlint - Duplicate file finder for linux, which does exactly what I need.

I need to get rid of the duplicates quickly, as the pictures on my wife's computer just ate up over 2/3rds of her hard drive. It seems an external hard drive purchase is in our future.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Sun 21 September 2008. Tags: family, technology