Maybe this is why Iraq is the way it is
From E-Mails Reveal a Fallen Soldier's Story - US News and World Report, 2007-05-21.
Later in the day, the Iraqi police, who were family members of the destroyed body, began to drink heavily and one of them (Ali) started shooting randomly into the crowded traffic circle below the castle. We watched as he killed a 17 yr. old girl, a 7 yr. old girl and a 28 yr. old male. We could not intervene as this was happening for very complex reasons. This has been one of the most horrific days of my entire 34 yrs. of living on this earth...
Cops in America don't fire into traffic circles and kill innocent people. Nor do cops in Sweden, Australia, Japan, Scotland, or any other civilized nation.
This, perhaps this incident, is why Iraq is the way it is.
For those of you who think America is at fault for the Iraqis' suffering and death: tell me from whom the Iraqi police officer learned that killing innocent people was proper police procedure.
Go ahead, tell me where he learned it. Tell me who taught it to him.
Was it an American?