It's ok to be a bigot, as long as you're brown

Don't believe me? Read "Being Brown", a poem written by "Roxana Garcia, a 16-year-old sophomore at Highline High School" (near end of Thousands march for immigration rights, Seattle Post-Intelligencer for 2006-04-11. She read it to a crowd of thousands of people in downtown Seattle on April 10 protesting U.S. immigration policy.

They leave it to us to make their food

They wouldn't plant a seed; not even if they could.

We break our backs in the field for those white

Then they want to take us to court to take away our rights.

Ms. Garcia, you are a bigot and a racist. If you thought this poem would help your cause, think again. Your racist attitude towards white people is astonishing. Just in case your teachers did not make this clear, bigotry and racism are personal attitudes, not a by-product of one's ancestry. Not being white does not absolve you of intolerance.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Tue 11 April 2006. Tags: commentary, politics