Two good articles from US News 2005-10-24

Following up the blurb in the previous entry, here are two more very good articles from US News & World Report for 2005-10-24:

  • Class(room) Warriors by John Leo

    ...NCATE vehemently denies that it is imposing groupthink, but the ed schools, essentially a liberal monoculture, use dispositions theory to require support for diversity and a culturally left agenda, including opposition to what the schools sometimes call "institutional racism, classism, and heterosexism." Predictably, some students concluded that thought control would make classroom dissent dangerous.

  • A Hang-Tough Nation by Mortimer B. Zuckerman

    In recent months, public support for America's intervention in Iraq and for the broader war on terrorism has fallen significantly at home. This is a grievous misapprehension of where we are--and where we recognized we were after 9/11, when there was broad consensus that the nation was in danger from a new kind of terrorism. The consensus that sustained us then may have proved evanescent, but the fact is there are radicals out there who want to kill us all--any American, men, women, and children. Why? Because in their delusional thinking, they believe Islam provides the justification for it. As one Egyptian commentator put it: "Allah conceived Islam as a religion. Men have transformed it into politics."

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Tue 25 October 2005. Tags: news