Wbe hsoting conpamy forghets to spel chek

I thought this was a joke.

Hacking Insodent Today on FR&T

Today and yestarday we experienced severe downtime. Yestarday was by no mistake planned in advance which we had sent letters out to everyone. However today was very unexpeced and a big supprise. One of our sites was hacked, leaving all the other sites open to attack as well. The way this happened is the accused supplied the convientional DOS attack on our server (Denial of Service) which our servers are set to block after a period of 20 seconds. Before the period of 20 seconds was up this person hibitually attacked a website, attempting to delete everything in the site. This attack left a lot of sites open, but as we could see, only one site was targeted. The accused did make one fatal mistake, they left evidence behind, and with that, they were unable to break through our defenceses of our database servers. Though our logs show hacking attempts on these databases, not one was harmed or touched.

Apparently it's not. From their front page:

FR&T has been in buisness for more than 5 yeas now. FR&T started in Germany on a US Military base at a very small scale but then as the owner moved back to the states, the buisness took off as the own took FR&T up to a full time level.

Let me guess - your military career didn't include media liaison.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Thu 02 October 2003. Tags: commentary, technology, web