Two movie reviews

We watched X-Men 2 in the theater (and were reminded, once again, why we prefer DVDs), and Catch Me If You Can on DVD.

I wish to thank the marketers for X-Men 2 for not displaying any scenes from more than 2/3rds into the movie. Because of their wise restraint, I thoroughly enjoyed the entire movie, knowing that about halfway through I had seen all the scenes featured in the various previews.

Above and beyond that, it was a very compelling, significantly longer (133 min), and stronger story than its predecessor (a very good movie itself, with a run-time of 104 min). The characters were real, the funny stuff was never obvious, and the enemies showed their human (mutant?) nature - sans the "arch-villain" labels. All in all, a very good film. I hope the next installment is as good as this one.

Catch Me If You Can was funny, touching, playful, and never predictable. Very enjoyable and highly recommended.

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Wed 02 July 2003. Tags: entertainment