Eric Raymond's top 10 reasons why he isn't a liberal OR a conservative

Via Doc Searls through Sheila Lennon: "After reading too much political news:"

I do disagree with Ms. Lennon's statement in her post:

If I get hit by an SUV from the side, I'll die for sure if I'm wearing a seat belt. If I'm not, I might get pushed to the other side of the car and live. Why can't I let my instincts make the decision about which risks to take today?

Uh, because your instincts are wrong? Can you show how you know for sure you'll die in the first instance and survive in the second?

Yes, I know I'm completely missing the reason she brought that up - so I'll add why seatbelts are important. Because (AFAIK) ambulances and fire departments are paid with tax dollars. So when those emergency vehicles endanger everyone else's lives while rushing to your aid, it's only polite to make sure they actually have a reason to get there quick.

Give me some time, and I'll rip apart my own thinking on this. Feel free to get me started!

Written by Andrew Ittner in misc on Sat 21 June 2003. Tags: commentary, politics