"Website by NVST, Inc." Oh really. Allow me to barge in on your carefully-ordered world, NVST.
I use Opera. Great browser. Very helpful. Powerful.
I can't see your site with it. You only allow Internet Explorer and Netscape in.
So I hit F12, pick "Identify as MSIE 6.0" from the menu, problem solved. (Try that with IE!)
Now you want cookies. Just to see your site, you have to track me?
I use Privoxy, and I have a simple rule: I must know and trust your site before I enable cookies for it. Otherwise, I block all cookies, permanent and session-only.
Hitting F12 is not a problem just to take a look. But cookies? I can't even see your front page without you placing crap on my hard drive?
I don't think so.
Buh bye.